• Every mighty oak of a project grows from the acorn of an idea.

    Whether you already have a fully-formed concept, or want to work with a creative team to develop your idea and make it happen, we’re here to help.

  • As a business or organisation, you often feel pressured to create content, but you’ve spent years honing your skills in your chosen sector. You know how to build things, feed people, conduct detailed research, or play an instrument. That’s already a full-time job - where are you going to find the time to master content creation as well?

    That’s where we come in.

    Maybe you want to build your own content creation team in-house and need advice on appropriate skillsets and equipment. Perhaps you’d prefer to work with a specialist who can handle things on an ad hoc basis.

    We offer a full consulting service to help you figure out what you really need, and the best way to get it in a cost-effective and quality-driven manner.

  • From script to screen, we can provide an end-to-end bespoke service for producing your audio-visual content. We work with a trusted pool of freelancers across multiple disciplines. If you need it, we can make it for you.

  • You’ve just finished shooting your magnum opus, and dealt with all the trouble that comes with it.

    Now you’ve got to edit it all together and polish it for public consumption. That’s where we come in.

    We handle offline and online editing, post-production supervision, and re-versioning.

  • Your work doesn’t just need to look good, it has to sound good too.

    We offer a complete audio post-production service, from basic clean-up and sweetening to a detailed re-recording mix.

    Voiceover, ADR, and foley recording are available through our studio partnership.

    We even have a pool of composers we work with, so we can produce your score while we’re at it.

  • We conceive, curate, and coordinate live events to order.

    Whether you need us to work with you on the concept, or just facilitate the moving parts, we have a proven track record of organising and delivering cultural events.

  • Do you find that #WFH has put you in the spotlight and you need to brush up your presenting skills?

    Maybe you need more confidence as a public speaker, or want more effective ways of connecting to your audience and colleagues.

    Our creative director, Mike Freedman, offers one-on-one coaching to help you find your voice and increase your impact.


Here’s what our clients say


“I'm still amazed by how much care and effort Mike and the team at Day 600 put into the production of our short video. He considered details that I would never have thought of, provided feedback on our concept and script, and after a long but fun day of filming, the finished product was better than anything we had originally imagined. If you want to work with someone who will take your best ideas and improve them, then Mike is the guy.”

— Ben Dyson, founder of Positive Money UK


“It looks like Picasso's
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon!”

— Sam Warren, bassist in Elephant vs. Leopard

“Mike's skill to turn a concept or a vision into reality is why I enjoy working with him. I totally trust his opinion regarding anything film production related and know that the outcome of any project will be one I am happy with. He deals with problems in a creative and very professional manner. He is that type of guy who makes things happen instead of just talking about it. Even if there were obstacles we always found a way around it.”

— Vinzenz Stergin, musician/composer


“Mike is one of the most intensely professional guys you'll meet. He's like Mission Impossible with a camera - what's the brief, what are the limitations, there's no way we can do it, let's go for it. And somehow he makes it work. He goes above and beyond the requirements and doesn't give anything less than his best for even the smallest of briefs.”

— David Goo, 150 Friends Club